For all users who develop on laptop pcs would have developed an efficient workflow that does not get in the way of development.With the integrated tutorials, you can have your learning materials docked directly in your workspace.GameMaker Studio 2 uses your YoYo Account to provide a single login for all your game making needs.Import your GameMaker Studio free projects directly into Studio 2 and have them ready to run in a matter of minutes.Microsoft Windows 7 (64bit only, Service Pack 1 or above) For any game development issues or help with your game, you should use the Game Maker Community.All account, download and setup issues should be resolved by contacting support through the Help Center.Runtime external resources (sprite_add).

Bring your games to life with 2D physics, create a thriving player base with cross-platform network play, and create stunning visual effects using shaders. GameMaker allows you to implement a game features hassle-free. Requiring a big budget to create beautiful looking games is now a thing of the past. Using a single development workflow GameMaker Studio 2 allows you to export your game directly to Windows desktop, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Android, iOS, fireTV, Android TV, Microsoft UWP, HTML5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Using our intuitive ‘Drag and Drop’ development environment you can have your game up and running in a matter of minutes without ever having to write any code! GameMaker’s built-in language (GML) helps you learn to program as you go and not jump in at the deep end of coding. Making game development accessible to everyone means taking away the barriers to getting started. With no barriers to entry and powerful functionality, GameMaker Studio 2 is the ultimate 2D development environment! GameMaker Studio 2 is the latest and greatest software application to develop your own games, launched by GameMaker! It has everything you need to take your idea from concept to finished game.